UMAP 臺灣交換學生獎學金

基於人才是促進社會發展進步的重要基石,為培育學生更具備世界觀,我國教育部設置「亞太大學交流會臺灣交換學生獎學金」(UMAP Taiwan Exchange Student Scholarship),旨在鼓勵外國學生來臺灣或臺灣學生赴國外之雙向學習。



Semester Timeline What applicants do?
Fall semester End of May After UMAP IS finished 2nd cycle placement,
UMAP IS will contact eligible applicants via email to ask them send the Appendix to UMAP Taiwan NS (
End of July UMAP Taiwan NS will notify award recipients
regarding the results of applications via E-mail.
Spring semester End of  Nov. After UMAP IS finished 2nd cycle placement,
UMAP IS will contact eligible applicants via email to ask them to send the Appendix to UMAP Taiwan NS (
End of Jan. UMAP Taiwan NS will notify award recipients
regarding the results of applications via E-mail.
*UMAP 2023-2期臺灣交換學生獎學金,複審結果請見下方2023-2期獎學金受獎名冊。

UMAP 2020-1期臺灣交換學生獎學金受獎名單如下。

2022-1 獎學金受獎名冊 (教育部核定) 
2022-2 獎學金受獎名冊 (教育部核定) 
2023-1 獎學金受獎名冊 (教育部核定) 
2023-2 獎學金受獎名冊 (教育部核定) 最新
